UP Advice

Beloved Community

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We heard the phrase "Beloved Community" last week at a talk given by Dr. Leola Dublin Macmillan. She spoke about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s notion of the Beloved Community—one in which people thrive, live without fear, have equality, justice and inclusivity.

What a beautiful vision.

"Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.”—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We are at a pivotal time for change.
And a critical time for love, listening, understanding and compassion.
As Jennifer and I move forward, we will be looking at how we can make qualitative and quantitative changes in our business and our lives. This will include engaging in ongoing self-awareness, continuing education, relationship building and actual anti-racist practices.

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Overhead crowd photo credit: 805drone.com

We don't want to miss this opportunity to do everything we can to speak our hearts, oppose racism and work for justice and equality for ALL people. Together, we really can build a new foundation for a genuinely beloved community.

With so much love, ❤️
Jennifer and Lynne

The smile: a powerful act of kindness.

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I never cease to be amazed at the rush of joy I get when I share a smile with someone. A REAL smile. Not a forced, polite one. A genuine smile that silently says "hello friend. I'm happy to see you."

These micro moments of kindness often happen when I least expect it—like when the cashier at Trader Joe's looks at me and smiles before even starting to scan my groceries. Or the barista at BlackHorse who hands me my coffee like it was made with pure love,  just for me.

That 2-second smile comes before any words are spoken and instantly pulls me out of my self-imposed cocoon. It reminds me that I'm a human being, here on this earth and that I'm not traveling alone. 

What a powerful gift.

As this holiday season kicks off, I'm going to challenge myself to smile more. To take that two extra seconds to look into people's eyes, smile and silently say "hello friend. I'm happy to see you."

Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving and upcoming holiday season!