Jennifer and Lynne work together on projects geared toward improving the quality of people’s lives and businesses.

They’re passionate about sharing tools, strategies and open hearts to help others strengthen themselves and their environments for positive impact.


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Lynne Biddinger is an entrepreneur and business coach focussed on developing people and culture.

Her work centers around building awareness, stronger personal and professional relationships and increasing satisfaction at work.

Lynne spent the first half of her career as a designer and brand strategist in Silicon Valley, London, San Francisco and Oregon, eventually founding her own firm, 20|20 Creative Group, in San Luis Obispo which she sold in 2013.

She holds a bachelor’s degree from California State University Chico, and has rounded out her education with certifications in Mindfulness and Compassion Training (Stanford CCARE and UC Berkeley GGSC), Foresight and Future Scenario Planning (Rebecca Ryan), and Strategic Intervention Coaching (Robbins/Madanes). Lynne is also an authorized WorkTraits behavioral assessment trainer, a student of the Enneagram personality system and certified yoga Instructor in the Ananda Method.


Jennifer Porcher has been a business advisor and consultant for over 20 years and has found that most challenges can be dealt with using a well thought-out plan, a calm approach, and clear communication.

To find out more about her and her work visit her site at: