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For the past two weeks Jennifer and I have been working on collecting some of the incredibly uplifting stories that have come out of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We've been blown away by the acts of kindness, ingenuity, bravery and selfless giving we have seen.

The process has brought smiles (and sometimes tears) to our faces every single day.

We are SO excited to share what we have collected so far!

Here is a link to our website so you can go check them out for yourself!

Hopefully they will lift your spirits—even if for a few minutes. And please feel free to forward the link to anyone you think might need a boost.

If you run across any good stories please email them to our amazing reporter/curator/photographer—Morgan Rector—at (She is fabulous!).

Thank you to all who are practicing generosity and supporting each other during these difficult times.

You never know how far the ripples of your kindness may spread.

With so much love for you, ❤️
Jennifer and Lynne