Meet DOGtor Loki!

During the pandemic, hospital therapy dog programs have been halted, so Dogtor Loki has been seeing virtual patients! While talking with patients, Loki’s owner, Caroline Benzel, noticed the toll of wearing masks 24/7 on the healthcare workers. Thinking creatively, Benzel created ‘Hero Healing Kits,’ (consisting of items such as lotion for irritated skin, chapstick, and tea), and each one includes a photo of Loki’s face!

Thank you Caroline Benzel and Dogtor Loki for your kindness.

Now THIS is a sign of hope if I've ever seen one...

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

Last Monday, April 13th, a stunningly beautiful rainbow appeared over New York City. Can you believe it stretched from the One World Trade Center to the top of the Empire State Building?! AND it occurred at sunset?! I don’t know about you, but I certainly see a wonderful reminder of the beauty of our world, even in a crisis, and a sign of hope for the future.

We love these Santa Barbara high schoolers...

Photo retrieved:

Photo retrieved:

With the knowledge that COVID-19 is much more life threatening to the older generations, high school students in Santa Barbara decided to take action to keep the at-risk populations safe. Daniel Goldberg, a junior at San Marcos high school and some friends developed “Zoomers to Boomers.”

Zoomers to Boomers is a website that allows elderly people to order groceries, and then a high schooler does the shopping.

There is no charge for delivery, the high schoolers are simply donating their time because they want to help.

Amazing work Daniel, Alexander, Taylor, Blake, Lily, and Nat!

How do you overcome language barriers if you're a 23 year-old American quarantined in Florence, Italy?

The window game!

The window game!

Shaye’s Story:

“Neighbors have taken on a whole new meaning during this time. 

Living in Florence, Italy as an ex-pat, there always seemed to be a barrier between us and the locals. But a lot has changed during these five weeks in quarantine in Italy…

Craving connection to humanity, we pushed ourselves out of old habits of comfortability by taking a step toward those who live across the way with a simple window game. My roommate, Ellie, picked up the watercolors and decided to write a simple question about preference in “ocean or mountains?” (pictured above).

We got a response from our neighbor, Francesco! We felt an uplifting sense of peace that we were not alone in this. We also met Valentina and her two daughters across the street, who told us we can call to her if we ever need anything. We had a mother figure who would look after us. 

Now, I know my neighbors by name. We wave to each other. We can rely on each other to bring a smiles and a breath of peace even when we feel alone. Through a simple creative act we have established community and brought new meaning to the word “vicino” (Italian for neighbor). 

As the lockdown in Italy extends, so will our window game, sharing reminders of joy and connection with those who surround.”

Story by Shaye Widger

This 99 year old man raised more money than he ever dreamed possible... and all for healthcare workers!



99-year old Tom Moore’s actions have raised $2.8 MILLLION dollars for the U.K.’s National Health Service.

How did he do it?

Tom, a WWII veteran, decided that he would walk across his backyard, 100 times. His original target was about £1,000 (~$1200) and he surpassed that goal in just one day.

Not only is this story an example of Tom’s determination to help the healthcare workers, it is also a beautiful example of the generosity of the British citizens, as the public funded his “backyard walk.”

Thank you to all who are supporting each other during this time. We will get through this, socially distanced, but together.

This Cal Poly SLO student figured out a great use for 3D printers at this time...

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Photo Retrieved:

Cristian Sion, a senior at Cal Poly SLO, decided that he wanted to help local front line workers…by making masks with a 3D printer! Amazing! The manufacturing and materials engineering major partnered up with an a facilities engineer at SLO Surgery Center and an emergency room doctor to create the respirators.

Sion spent several months designing these masks, and now makes them in his garage! There is even evidence to prove that his masks may be more effective than many non-surgical masks sold in stores.

Brilliant work, Cristian!

When the British government appealed recently for 250,000 people to help the National Health Service, more than 750,000 signed up.

Photo Courtesy of New York Times

Photo Courtesy of New York Times

The number of people who have volunteered to help the National Health Service in England is awe-inspiring.

When the British government reached out to the public, they were hoping for 250,000 people, and had to temporarily stop accepting new applications when they received 750,000 willing volunteers.

Volunteers are helping the most vulnerable populations in all different ways: grocery store runs, making masks, and giving out free food, are just a few examples.

WOW! What an amazing example of the power of community and of love, during this challenging time.

Rainbows, especially rainbow houses, always make us smile!

Image courtesy of SWNS

Image courtesy of SWNS

A family spent six hours coloring their house in rainbow chalk, just to try to cheer up their neighbors during the lockdown in England!

The family said that the number of people who have stopped to smile and take photos has cheered them up during this time. An ambulance even stopped to tell the family that they loved the rainbow colors!

The rainbow bricks definitely made us happy!

He DEFINITELY wins the son-of-the-year award!

Source: CNN, Charley Adams.

Source: CNN, Charley Adams.

Charley Adams, an arborist in Ohio, decided that he was going to use his bucket truck to visit his mother in her assisted living facility. With the current restrictions caused by COVID-19, Charley has been unable to see his mother for their weekly lunch and he knew that she was lonely.

Although they can communicate over the phone, Charley wanted to see his mother in person. Taking into account social distancing guidelines, Charley came up with a heartwarming solution: his bucket truck! All his mother had to do was look out her window!

11,000 dollars for local front-line workers? Thank you to the seven restaurants in San Luis Obispo, CA, who made it possible!

A fundraiser launched by NOVO Restaurant Bar and Lounge, has been able to raise $11,000 to feed local front-line workers, AND help provide revenue for local businesses!

The program is crowd-sourced, meaning that it allows members of the community to donate money in order to provide a meal for a healthcare worker in San Luis Obispo. Each donation of $20 is able to provide one meal to a healthcare worker, help local restaurants, and also provide revenue to farmers!

These are the restaurants that are participating so far: Novo Restaurant Bar and Loung, The Hatch, Big Sky Cafe, SideCar, Black Sheep, Old SLO BBQ and Jeffry's Wine Country BBQ.

What a creative idea to help many during these challenging times!

"Adopt A Neighbor??" Another amazing example of people coming together during this time...

San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay, Atascadero, Paso Robles, and Templeton (San Luis Obispo, CA county cities) have ALL created "Adopt a Neighbor” Facebook pages?!

So what exactly IS '“Adopt a Neighbor?” This program was created by the owner of Giovanni’s Fish Market, Giovanni DeGarimore. He decided to create Facebook pages for most of the towns in San Luis Obispo county. The Facebook pages allow community members to help each other, whether that is through child care, grocery store or pharmacy runs, helping others find essential resources, or anything else!

Amazing work, Giovanni! A beautiful example that lending a helping hand can go a long way.

"How to help" is the top trend on Google... truly amazing.

In a time of constant change and uncertainty, one commonality has been appearing throughout the world: people are searching for ways to help. And we literally mean searching. The top trends on Google during this time are all pertaining to “how to help” or “how to thank healthcare workers, bus drivers, and people on the front lines.” Check out this video from Google, thanking healthcare workers.

Atascadero, CA, resident creates a 'Virtual Egg Hunt,' that is now sweeping the nation!

Images from Egg Hunt Facebook Page.

Images from Egg Hunt Facebook Page.

Shauna Soltero, a resident of Atascadero, California, came up with an adorable idea to lift spirits during this time! With traditional Easter egg hunts being cancelled, she decided to start a new trend: virtual egg hunts! The trend started in San Luis Obispo county, and has spread across the United States.

The game is simple: people decorate large, paper eggs and displaying them in their yards for others to “hunt” for and find. When you find an egg, you take a (socially distanced) photo with the egg and add it to the Facebook page! There is even prize for the family that finds the most eggs before April 12th!

Amazing, Shauna! We love how you created positivity and fun during this challenging time!

The pandemic won't stop this couple from saying their vows, even if it means a Zoom wedding!


After months and months of planning, due to the pandemic, Abby and Nate had to cancel their wedding. So they had an idea, a Zoom wedding!

Abby and Nate asked their families and closest friends if they would be willing to join in the celebration of their love on Zoom. Of course, they agreed! Abby and Nate were married in a living room! The couple’s love and dedication to each other was so beautiful, It brought everyone to tears! Abby and Nate plan to have a celebration in person next year, but for now, this is a beautiful example of the power of love throughout tough times.

Free food? Thanks Everyday Five Cities Church!

Image from Everyday Five Cities Facebook page.

Image from Everyday Five Cities Facebook page.

A church in Arroyo Grande, Everyday Five Cities, has been giving out FREE FOOD during the pandemic.

Community members are invited to drop by the church and pick up a bag of produce and non-perishable items! They have been giving food away Sundays and Thursdays during the pandemic, and all are welcome! Check out their website for news about upcoming food give-aways.

Thank you for your generosity, Everyday Five Cities!