This 17-year old created a COVID-19 tracker site visited by hundreds of millions from every country in the world.

Image courtesy of The Today Show

Image courtesy of The Today Show

Avi Shiffman, a 17-year old high school junior, has impressed us all with his brilliant COVID-19 tracker app.

Updating every minute, his app allows people world-wide access to the newest data, and has become a vital resource for millions. The site has been visited by people in every country all over the world.

Buy Avi a coffee!

We love you Neil.

Neil Diamond posted a COVID-19 rendition video of Sweet Caroline, replacing lyrics to his  classic song with lines such as “hands, washing hands,” and “don’t touch me.”

Not only is he spreading important messages of critical safety precautions during this time, but he is brightening the days of the millions who have watched the video. Plus, we get to see his adorable golden retriever!

National Geographic photographers create Ocean School. Yes Please!

Two National Geographic photographers Paul Nicklen and Cristina Mittermeier have founded #OceanSchool.

These two inspiring humans post daily on their Instagram accounts with riveting photographs and stories of our oceans and the animals that inhabit them. They are a beautiful example of using online resources to ensure that although schools may be stopped, education does not need to stop. 

Their daily posts inform children and adults alike about the wonders of our natural world and are always greeted with thousands of comments from those who follow their work.

Their recent lessons have included critical articles explaining the state of our planet, including stories of polar bears, friendly baby elephant seals, walruses, and manatees. If you wish to educate yourself about the ocean, visit their Instagrams (@paulnicklen, @mitty), or check out their website

Written by Morgan Rector