COVID-19 Stories

The cutest world record holder...

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Photo from

Finley now holds a Guinness World Record. For what, you ask? For holding the largest number of tennis balls in his mouth. This adorable pup managed to carry 6 tennis balls!

Finley began training to take on this seemingly impossible task when he was only 2 years old, picking up two tennis balls at a time. Four years later, he has worked his way up to 6 tennis balls!

Just last week, he was crowned as the new Guinness Book of World Record holder!

This generous soul put a smile on our faces!

Photo courtesy of The Washington Post

Photo courtesy of The Washington Post

10-year-old Chelsea Phaire has created 1,500 art kits for children in shelters and foster care during the pandemic!

Chelsea’s parents have commented that their daughter has always had a generous heart for others, and has always LOVED art. She wanted to spread her love of art to as many children as she could. With the help of her family, she has now sent her art kits to children in 12 states!

You are so inspiring, Chelsea!

An "eco wake-up call" for many Americans!

A recent survey on 2,000 American people has revealed that COVID-19 has sparked some promising revelations. While being forced to shelter in place, many Americans have reported that they have realized just how many resources they waste on a daily basis.

As a result, many have decided to make changes in their lifestyles to build a more sustainable lifestyle and future.

In such a devastating pandemic, we have been inspired by an overwhelming desire among a majority of the population to make a positive impact on humanity and our planet.

This family created a 'hope board'...

Matt long and his children, courtesy of BBC.

Matt long and his children, courtesy of BBC.

Aiming to spread hope and joy to their neighbors, Matt Long and his children decided to create a ‘hope board’! The board is a space for people in their community to share their hopes for after the pandemic!

Long explained that the board is a “symbol of hope,” for people in his local community. It now includes hopes from over 200 people!

Thank you for inspiring us, Long family!

Definitely the best grandpa EVER!

Kevin Procopio of Massachusetts, or “Papa Ken,” as his three grandchildren call him, figured out a creative way to deliver donuts to his grandchildren while maintaining social distancing guidelines. All of this kids were delighted to receive this gift form their grandfather, who they miss very much!

Thank you for spreading joy during this time, “Papa Ken!”

It’s harbor seal season all throughout California!!!

Photos by Morgan Marie PhotographyInstagram

Photos by Morgan Marie Photography


While the human world has been turned upside down, for harbor seals, April and May is pupping season!! And boy are they cute…

This harbor seal pup is one of about 40 healthy newborns in Monterey, California this month! Monterey, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, and Point Lobos, (Monterey County) CA, are all home to harbor seals and their pups this season!

Aren’t they just precious?!

We love our oceans, and we LOVE PADI Gear's new product...

Image from

Image from

Scuba, snorkel, and free dive company, PADI Gear has created MASKS MADE FROM POST-CONSUMER PLASTIC (recycled plastic)!

They’ve created an amazing product that tackles the problem of plastic pollution and addresses the need for masks during this time. PADI Gear is selling these masks at-cost, meaning they are making no profit off of the products.

Thank you, PADI Gear, for your incredibly innovative and environmentally friendly masks!

Have you spotted your favorite movie character taking out the trash next-door?

When taking out your trash can be the most exciting part of your day, why not make it FUN?

Originating in Australia, the trend has now swept across the world! People of all ages have been joining in on the fun and dressing up for themed-garbage bin runs!

Thanks to all of the wonderful people who brightened our day with their costumes!

A very memorable birthday celebration!

Photo retrieved from

Photo retrieved from

Thanks to Atascadero firefighters, San Luis Obispo ambulance, and Atascadero police officers, 7-year-old Gavin’s birthday was one to remember!

Gavin was greeted with a parade of police cars, ambulances, and fire engines honking their horns, driving down the Atascadero street where Gavin lives.

They even handed Gavin gifts from their cars, while of course, maintaining proper social distancing guidelines!

A beautiful reminder that a small act of kindness can have a BIG impact!

Happy Earth Week! Yay, baby sea turtles!

While people have been sheltering in place, animals around the globe have been enjoying the freedom from human activity!

In Phuket, Thailand, the number of sea turtle nests exceeds anything scientists have recorded in the past 20 years. Sea turtles in Florida are also reportedly thriving.

The increase in wildlife, decrease in air pollution, and decrease in other types of pollution may be able to provide vital information for conservation efforts for our planet, moving forward past this difficult time.

Meet DOGtor Loki!

During the pandemic, hospital therapy dog programs have been halted, so Dogtor Loki has been seeing virtual patients! While talking with patients, Loki’s owner, Caroline Benzel, noticed the toll of wearing masks 24/7 on the healthcare workers. Thinking creatively, Benzel created ‘Hero Healing Kits,’ (consisting of items such as lotion for irritated skin, chapstick, and tea), and each one includes a photo of Loki’s face!

Thank you Caroline Benzel and Dogtor Loki for your kindness.

Now THIS is a sign of hope if I've ever seen one...

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

Last Monday, April 13th, a stunningly beautiful rainbow appeared over New York City. Can you believe it stretched from the One World Trade Center to the top of the Empire State Building?! AND it occurred at sunset?! I don’t know about you, but I certainly see a wonderful reminder of the beauty of our world, even in a crisis, and a sign of hope for the future.

We love these Santa Barbara high schoolers...

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Photo retrieved:

With the knowledge that COVID-19 is much more life threatening to the older generations, high school students in Santa Barbara decided to take action to keep the at-risk populations safe. Daniel Goldberg, a junior at San Marcos high school and some friends developed “Zoomers to Boomers.”

Zoomers to Boomers is a website that allows elderly people to order groceries, and then a high schooler does the shopping.

There is no charge for delivery, the high schoolers are simply donating their time because they want to help.

Amazing work Daniel, Alexander, Taylor, Blake, Lily, and Nat!

How do you overcome language barriers if you're a 23 year-old American quarantined in Florence, Italy?

The window game!

The window game!

Shaye’s Story:

“Neighbors have taken on a whole new meaning during this time. 

Living in Florence, Italy as an ex-pat, there always seemed to be a barrier between us and the locals. But a lot has changed during these five weeks in quarantine in Italy…

Craving connection to humanity, we pushed ourselves out of old habits of comfortability by taking a step toward those who live across the way with a simple window game. My roommate, Ellie, picked up the watercolors and decided to write a simple question about preference in “ocean or mountains?” (pictured above).

We got a response from our neighbor, Francesco! We felt an uplifting sense of peace that we were not alone in this. We also met Valentina and her two daughters across the street, who told us we can call to her if we ever need anything. We had a mother figure who would look after us. 

Now, I know my neighbors by name. We wave to each other. We can rely on each other to bring a smiles and a breath of peace even when we feel alone. Through a simple creative act we have established community and brought new meaning to the word “vicino” (Italian for neighbor). 

As the lockdown in Italy extends, so will our window game, sharing reminders of joy and connection with those who surround.”

Story by Shaye Widger